
Top 10 Interesting Facts about the Egyptian Pyramids

Marvel at these immense structures and why it’s important to Ancient Egyptian civilization.

Top 10 Interesting Facts about the Egyptian Pyramids

Knowing the facts about historical monuments is always exciting. And it becomes more exciting when it’s about the Great Egyptian Pyramids. One of the World’s Seven Wonders, Egyptian pyramids are made with superb engineering and the best material during 4500BC. Historians said that the engineering done in Egyptian pyramids is way greater than modern engineering, where we have all the sources. There are a lot of facts and fascinating knowledge hidden in these whopping pyramids. In this article, we will discuss the top 10 interesting facts about the Egyptian pyramids. These facts will help you to sharpen your knowledge about them.

10. Time Took for Completion

Depiction of ancient Egyptians building a pyramid
Depiction of ancient Egyptians building a pyramid

Research sources reveal that it takes more than 200 years to complete one pyramid. A lot of time and effort is utilized to prepare a single pyramid. In the ancient era, close to around 138 pyramids were ready. By now, you have a brief idea of how much effort would have been utilized to make these mesmerizing monuments. According to Egyptians, beauty doesn’t lie in the viewer’s eyes, rather it lies in the construction, and that is the only reason that a single masterpiece takes 200 years to complete.

9. A Wall Around France Can Be Built With the Stones

Pyramids with a beautiful sky of Giza in Cairo, Egypt
Pyramids with a beautiful sky of Giza in Cairo, Egypt

The stones which are used to prepare the pyramid are heavier than the elephant. One stone’s weight is more than ten tonnes, and it means they are heavier than you think. The weight mentioned is still under research; the exact figures are yet to be disclosed. The rose of the pyramids is 203 steps each, where the stones have been placed. So it is said that these stones are enough to create a wall around the neighborhood countries.

8. Flat Top Pyramid

Step Pyramid of Djoser
Step Pyramid of Djoser Saqqara is located around 30km (18 miles) south of Cairo, just south of Memphis. The pyramid was built approximately between 2649 to 2575 BC.

It’s impressive by the fact that there are pyramids which have flat tops. They have been constructed in that way following some old myth. Four thousand seven hundred years ago from today, there were pyramids with flat tops only. No triangular tops were there. According to an archaeologist study, the first pyramid had a flat top only. The concept of triangular tops came way too late.

7. Tunnels and Mysterious Boxes

Tunnels inside an Egyptian pyramid
Tunnels inside an Egyptian pyramid

The pyramids of Giza are full of mystery boxes and tunnels. They have used master technology, even though in that era to make secret in situations of emergency. If we talk about the boxes, each box contains 100 tonnes. It has never been disclosed what is inside those boxes or where these tunnels lead to. There are many theories about the pyramids in Egypt, but there is no scientific evidence to state the same.

6. Heavily Weighted Doors

Tourists climbing at the entrance to Khufu (The Great Pyramid) at Giza, Egypt.
Tourists climbing at the entrance to Khufu (The Great Pyramid) at Giza, Egypt.

Every door of the pyramid is more than 20 tonnes, which means they are really heavy. The owners were also unable to open the door by themselves. The mechanism was discovered by the Egyptians only. Though many scientists are working on the theory behind these heavy doors, none of them has come up with a concrete answer. Any stranger or enemy cannot open these swivel doors easily, and hence the doors work as a barrier for the people living inside.

5. Built to Preserve Tombs

The Tomb of Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun
The Tomb of Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun

The tombs were built for the pharaohs and not for the localities. The builders prepared these pyramids to preserve the Tombs and the pharaohs, to keep them safe. It was a strong belief that Egyptians had faith in the afterlife, and that’s why it was so crucial for them to preserve the bodies and souls. They had a tradition to make offerings like food, water, and other facilities, to make their afterlife easy.

4. One of the Monuments Amongst the Seven Wonders

Pyramids with a beautiful sky of Giza in Cairo
Pyramids with a beautiful sky of Giza in Cairo

Egyptian pyramids are one of the oldest monuments on the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World because of their engineering and construction. It’s no question that we could replicate the Egyptian pyramids using current technology, but the mind-blowing thing is that they had different technology in ancient times. It was all their minds and skills that helped in building this beautiful structure on the mother earth.

3. Built North Faced

The Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt
The Sphinx and the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt

There are three pyramids of Giza, which are aligned in a single line of three stars, and that’s why it is called the Orion belt. They have created a faithful mimicry of the Orion belt. All the three are in the same line pointing towards the belt.

2. Weight of the Pyramids

Girl sitting ancient stones Egyptian pyramids
Girl sitting ancient stones Egyptian pyramids

Almost all the pyramids constructions were on the Nile river’s west bank, which means facing the north direction. It was said that the Nile River was the best mode of transport, and that was the reason behind the mechanism. They believed that the god sun would travel through the river in its solar boat. Another reason which is studied is that the pole star was right pointed to the north. But in the end, all of this remains a mystery as there is no evidence to prove these points. All of these seem to be wild guesses.

1. Aligned With the Orion

Sacred Alignment and the Constellation of Orion
Sacred Alignment and the Constellation of Orion

You will be amazed after knowing that the weight of the great pyramid of Khufu is 5,750,000 tonnes. Yes, you read it right, wherein the Burj khalifa weighs only 500,000 tonnes. These pyramids were made of a count of 2.3 million blocks of stones, and each stone weighs around 2267.96 kilograms, which comes up to 2.5 tonnes on average.

What Do You Think?

What do you think about the above mentioned ten most interesting facts about the Egyptian pyramids? Which one of these facts stood out to you? Comment below and let us know!

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