
Top 10 Best Foods to Eat With Antibiotics

What you should eat during and after antibiotics.

While taking antibiotics keeps you from getting sick again from the bacteria that attacked you, but it also comes with various side effects. These side effects can be diarrhea, loss of appetite, nausea, and other unwanted effects. You may be able to control these side effects by having another dose of antibiotics, but what you can do better is to treat these effects by eating useful food. Here are the top ten best foods to eat with antibiotics that will help you better recover.

What Are Antibiotics?

Antibiotics are killers. They not only take out harmful bacteria from your system but also wipe out the existence of good bacteria from your body. In doing this, it could leave you with a weaker immune system. To compensate for that, you need to ensure that you manage your diet well not to get any side-effects by the tough medicine. So, eating the right kinds of foods is beneficial while you complete your course of antibiotics.

10. Herbs

An assortment of herbs
An assortment of herbs

Having a robust and powerful immune system will automatically fight all the incoming bad bacteria that are harmful. Eating herbs will ensure the bacteria that have entered your body don’t make much of a mess. Still, even if that happens, you will be able to negate their effects sooner rather than later. Please take a good night’s sleep and eat healthily, and also, we suggest you take some beneficial herbs to boost your immunity. Herbs help lessen the effects of bacteria on you. While effectively decreasing the time frame, you might remain sick. Making use of herbal products will also enhance the efficiency of the medication you’re currently taking.

9. Yogurts

Yogurt with chia seed berries glasses
Yogurt with chia seed berries glasses

A lot of people get diarrhea when taking antibiotics, and in addition to that, if you want to have milk, you will be directed to a very hazardous health situation. To counter this effect, we suggest that you go for having yogurt instead of milk. Yogurt is made up of two bacteria. Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophiles are the combinations of bacteria that you add to the milk so that it takes the form of yogurt. These bacteria effectively break the sugar level of milk and provide yogurt with a tart effect that can easily be consumed by lactose-intolerant people.
It is very much digestible, and doctors also believe that it provides the human body with useful bacteria it needs.

8. Probiotics

Probiotics consumables
Probiotics consumables

Another thing that you can do to ensure you aren’t completely rid of good bacteria from your body is to take probiotics. These can effectively reduce the side effects of antibiotics, but you need to ensure one thing. Probiotics are also a form of bacteria, so the chances are that they will also get killed once you take your medicine. So try and take probiotics hours before you have to take your dose.

7. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil
Coconut oil

Coconut oil contains fatty acids that will protect you from developing an antibiotic related yeast infection. This happens rarely but happens, so why not prevent it in time when you comfortably can. Use coconut oil regularly and especially if you’re female.

6. Water

A glass of water
A glass of water

Antibiotics are often known for causing diarrhea in a patient that will eventually lead you to dehydrate. So, drink plenty of water to counter that effect. People on a strict medication often lose their sense of taste, which makes it difficult to keep track of all the things you must eat and drink.
Don’t forget to fill your intake of water and have as much of it as you can.

5. Fiber

Top view person holding muesli bowl
Top view person holding muesli bowl

Once you have finished your first go of antibiotics, round yourself up on fiber to add the good missing bacteria back in your system. It is imperative not to lose the good while you’re fighting the bad, so having lots of fiber-rich foods will genuinely help.

4. Vegetables

A flat lay bag groceries of vegetables
A flat lay bag groceries of vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables are the best foods you can have to fight the ongoing disease and enhance your medication effect. Eat lots of vegetables and fruits because they are rich in antioxidants, fiber, and various other poly nutrients that are important for your body to function correctly. They will also keep you filled even if you’re not eating that much.

3. Foods with Vitamin K

A woman s hands holding plate of leafy greens
A woman s hands holding a plate of leafy greens

Green leafy vegetables, such as kale, spinach, turnip greens, collards, Swiss chard, mustard greens, parsley, romaine, and green leaf lettuce are foods rich with Vitamin K. Vitamin K deficiency is also something that we have come across in people who are taking antibiotics. This could be the cause of various bacterial imbalances in your system and will cause drastic side effects.
So, to avoid that from happening, take foods in vitamin K and make sure you’re not facing any deficiency.

2. Prebiotics

Variety of prebiotic foods
Variety of prebiotic foods

Prebiotics are types of dietary fiber that feed the friendly bacteria in your gut. Suppose you’ve taken a very long course of antibiotics. In that case, the chances are that your body has wholly cleaned of bacteria, which means you have lost the good bacteria. You need to take prebiotics because, with the help of these, your body will be able to make a place for new good bacteria to grow and keep you from falling prey to other deficiencies.

1. Fermented Foods

A variety of fermented foods
A variety of fermented foods

One of the foods that we suggested above was yogurt, which is also a fermented food type. While you’re on medication, have as much fermented food as possible. Fermented foods that are prepared by using healthier practices will restore the gut flora in your system while increasing the number of healthy bacteria in your system.

What do you think?

So this is everything that we wanted to share regarding everything that you can eat when taking antibiotics. However, we would suggest that you avoid alcohol and excessive calcium if you’re sick. The doctor has prescribed you a course of medicine. It is vital to ensure that you don’t fall into a dangerous trap while taking the foods you need but not avoiding the food you should. If you have any suggestions in this regard, do let us know through your feedback below. We genuinely appreciate your output and will try our best to create a conversation over here.

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